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A free euro currency-conversion program


  MiniCalcEuro is a small program in Visual C + that allows you to perform convert between Euro and all 19 currencies of the Euro zone(to and from). It looks like a modal-dialog that means that it stays in foreground if one clicks on another window, as for example a web page that is very practical. When an amount is entered, the amount in the other currency is automatically displayed.

This program is offered free to you and in unlimited version in the time.
All calculations are made according to the official rules(number of significant digits, rounding etc.)


Curiosity: 179,87 EUR= 1179,87 FRF !
And in your currency?

To read more easily values, the formatting of fields with spaces
Is done automatically as numbers are typed.


-You can select your national currency in countries combo-box
Note:( MinCalcEuro display the last country choosen in previous cession).
-To enter decimal point, one can use comma or dot that is easier with the numeric pad.
-The "Clipboard" button allows to copy in Clipboard the conversion of the number that you have just typed and past it in any application (You do not need to select the number). One can also copy a number in another application and past it in one of the edit box,(CTRL +V), conversion appears in the other field immediately.
-The "Clear" button delete the numbers in the two edit boxes, Shorcut: "-" (minus sign).

Configuration : minimum required:
-PC 486
-Windows 95/98/ME/XP



Download MiniCalcEuro (French language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (German language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (English language version version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Spanish language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Italian language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Portuguese language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Dutch language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Finn language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)
Download MiniCalcEuro (Greek language version. v.1.2 size:187ko)



Run "MiniCalcEuro.exe"install program.

Run Uninstall MiniCalcEuro program from the "Start "-> "Programs" ->"MinicalcEuro" folder
Uninstall MiniCalcEuro with the Windows uninstall program.
( Click " Start" then "Parameters" then choose "control panel" and choose "install / unsinstall programs " icon Finally choose " MiniCalcEuro " in the list.)


 You can help me by translating this page into another language of the Euro zone
Mailto@... Thanks :)